Earth Energies and your Health at Home

Earth Energies and your Health at Home
94.99 EUR
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I have designed a different way to help you improve your health at home by understanding how to interact with Earth Energies.I will teach you how to identify the Energies of your Home and guide you on how to re-organize your furniture to avoid those locations that are harming you, specially on your bedroom since it is the most important place to take care of your Health at Home. In order to improve your health at home the key word is INTERACTION, we are constantly interacting with everything around us and not being aware of it increases the chances to suffer discomforts and health issues such as insomnia, migraines, anxiety, depression, fatigue, difficulties to focus. We will focus on the interaction we have with Earth Energies and mainly with Geopathic Stress. You will be able to identify those Earth Energies capable of causing discomforts, such as the popular Geopathic Stress. You will understand where Geopathic Stress comes from and we’ll deepen and learn how to locate the main causes of it: Underground Water Streams and Faults. Iwill teach you different dowsing techniques: Muscles Test, Pendulum, Lrods and your own hands. You will learn how to sense and identify these energies and how to understand your relationship with your surroundings with all of them. Because each one of them gives us different information but they complement each other, helping you get a more accurate and veridic answer. You can start feeling better at home today!