Drawing & Painting

Drawing & Painting
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WELCOME to - “be a Visual Artist” ! Invaluable insights based on more than 30 years of experience, that will help you achieve your own personal art styleHere you don’t learn to paint landscapes in oil on canvas; here you learn what it is to be an artistInstead of one technique - all techniques; and instead of passive oblivion, an active memory of the History of ArtAt the end of each part - a PRACTICE element (drawing, sculpture, etc)( Not a “fast” Course - Art needs lots of Patience ) :-) Francisco Capelo is a portuguese 49 year old visual artist since 1992 and art teacher in his Cascais art studio since 2015. - His main focus is: . abstract expressionism, . surrealism, . and modern/ contemporary techniques. In this course you will Learn all the aspects of being a visual artist: from art history to painting techniques, time balance and marketing options. . SYNOPSIS of this COURSE - “be a Visual Artist”:More than just teaching a single technique of painting, drawing or sculpture, this is a very comprehensive course for the contemporary plastic artist;and also for the visual arts teacher who wants to have a full and authentic pedagogy; but also for all those who want to finally understand the visual arts in order to absorb it and achieve a much more complete general culture. The past in art is extremely important, so that we don’t repeat the same mistakes and learn from the most intimate and tiniest characteristics of the personality of essential artists. There are several myths and a huge lack of knowledge about what contemporary art is, leading to attitudes of denial, in the face of the visual aggressiveness of many disruptive works of our time. This is a summarized INDEX of the Course, always being updated:. Course structure - This art course is divided into 3 parts: Part I. (a) YOU THE ARTIST: . Medium. Mindset. Goals. Mentors. Communities. Practice - Drawingb. YOURART: . Style. Technique. Revenue. Choices. Practice: Texturec. VISUAL ARTS: . History. Crucial artists. Movements. Thoughsts/ Quotes. Main artworks. Practice: Writingd. IDEAS: . Challenges. Techniques. Out of the box. Beuys and Tpies. Practice: Collagee. MARKETINGPLAN: . Online. Offline. Time & Money. Practice: Sculpturef. GOALS: . Recognition. Stability. What and when to sell. What is success. Practice: ObjectPart II. MODERN ART - History: . Intro. Art Movements. Abstract. Cubism. Surrealism. Expressionism. Drawing. Painting. Sculpture. Practice: InstallationPart III. (a) PRACTICE: . Artists: examples. Using simple materials. Connection between drawing and painting. Advices. Practice: Conceptualb. CREATIVEDRAWING: . Human character. Human head. Realistic. My style. Suggestion. Perspective. Practice: Digitalc. ILLUSTRATION: . 8 easy steps. Select images. Using light table. Export and print. Practice: Whatever( final ). Course - CONCLUSION. Techniques. and Project. Document - text about art