DevOps: A Management Perspective

DevOps: A Management Perspective
24.99 USD
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DevOps is a contraction of Development and Operations. DevOps is utilizing best practices that strengthen collaboration and communication of IT-professionals to enable fast delivery of valuable software. To achieve that goal the organization hast toenable: Continuous IntegrationContinuous DeploymentContinuous FeedbackDevOps is never only about tools. But tools are important! So we will look into the current tool environment to enable you to choose the right tool for the right job. This training will cover the basics on Agile Software Development, IT-Service Management and Lean. Than you will learn how to enable flow in your development process byenablingthe work to move fast from left to right, from Development to Operations to the customer. In theSecond Way you enable feedback to go fast from right to left, from all stakeholders back into the value stream. The Third Way is to enable learning by creating a high-trust culture of experimentation and risk-taking. To track your learning progress, you will be asked to set up your own Learning-Kanban-Board with Trello (or the tool of your choice).