Databricks Certified Data Analyst Associate Practice Exams

Databricks Certified Data Analyst Associate Practice Exams
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These practice tests for Databricks Certified Data Analyst Associate are designed to help you understand all of the exam topics so you can pass the exam but also help you learn the concepts of the Databricks platform. It is very important to finish all 2 practice exams because each exam focuses on certain features of Databricks so you don’t want to miss out on those prior to taking the exam. My goal here is not just to help you pass the exam but help you learn the Databricks platform along the way. The minimally qualified candidate should be able to: Describe Databricks SQL and its capabilities, including: Databricks SQL (users, benefits, queries, dashboards, compute)Integrations (Partner Connect, data ingestion, other BI tools)Lakehouse (medallion architecture, streaming data)Manage data with Databricks tools and best practices, including: Delta Lake (basics, benefits)Storage and Management (tables, databases, views, Data Explorer)Security (table ownership, PII data)Use Structured Query Language (SQL) to complete tasks in the Lakehouse, including: Basic SQL (basic query structure, combining data, aggregations)Complex Data (nested data objects, roll-ups, windows, cubes)SQL in the Lakehouse (ANSI SQL, working with silver-level data, query history, higher-order functions, user-defined functions)Create production-grade data visualizations and dashboards, including: Visualization (Databricks SQL capabilities, types of visualizations, storytelling with data)Dashboarding (Databricks SQL capabilities, parameterized dashboards and queries, sharing)Production (refresh schedules, query alerts)Develop analytics applications to solve common data analytics problems, including: Descriptive Statistics (discrete statistics, summary statistics)Common Applications (data enhancement, data blending, last-mile ETL)DurationTesters will have 90 minutes to complete the certification exam. QuestionsThere are 45 multiple-choice questions on the certification exam. The questions will be distributed by high-level topic in the following way: Databricks SQL 22% (10/45)Data Management 20% (9/45)SQL 29% (13/45)Data Visualization and Dashboards 18% (8/45)Analytics Applications 11% (5/45)