This course covers the following topics: What is a DatabaseDBMS and RDBMSRelational Database Terminology - Primary key, Foreign key etc. Structured Query Language (SQL)Types of SQL commands - DDL, DCL, DML and QueryHow to use SQLite Database SystemHow to install SQLite Studio and use it to create SQLite Database and interact with itDesigning and creating TablesConstraints and Data Integrity - how to implement integrity rulesQuerying data using SELECT commandProjection - selecting a few columnsSelection - selecting a few rowsORDER BY clause and how to order by multiple columns SQL Operators - BETWEEN. AND, IN and LIKEManipulating data using INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE commandsTransaction Management - COMMIT and ROLLBACKWhat is a function and how to use it in SQL commandsHow to use Numeric functionsHow to use String function to process stringsHow to use DateTime functions How to use Miscellaneous functions to deal with valuesHow to use Group functions to get aggregatesGrouping data using GROUPBY clauseSelecting rows and then grouping them Using HAVING clause to select groupsJoining tablesUsing NATURALJOIN and JOIN clausesHow to use outer joinSubqueriesUsing subqueries in DMLand DDLNested and multiple subqueriesCorrelated SubqueryHow to use Join, Subquery and Grouping togetherWhat is a viewWhere view is needed and its advantagesHow to create a view and use itWhat is an IndexHow an index improves performance of a queryHow to know whether index is being used in a query