Data Structures And Algorithms Bootcamp

Data Structures And Algorithms Bootcamp
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We will learn all Data structures: Array, List, Linked list and its variations like a Doubly linked list, circular listStack, queueTree, Binary tree, binary search tree. Height balanced binary search treeHashingHeap data structure, min-heap, max heap, priority queueGraph data structure and algorithms. We will learn Algorithms: Graph AlgorithmsBreadth First Search (BFS)Depth First Search (DFS)Shortest Path from source to all vertices (Dijkstra)Shortest Path from every vertex to every other vertex (Floyd Warshall)Minimum Spanning tree (Prim)Minimum Spanning tree (Kruskal)Topological SortJohnsons algorithmArticulation Points (or Cut Vertices) in a GraphBridges in a graphDynamic ProgrammingLongest Common SubsequenceLongest Increasing SubsequenceEdit DistanceMinimum PartitionWays to Cover a DistanceLongest Path In MatrixSubset Sum ProblemOptimal Strategy for a Game0-1 Knapsack ProblemAssembly Line SchedulingSearching And SortingBinary SearchQuick SortMerge SortOrder StatisticsKMP algorithmRabin karpZs algorithmAho Corasick String MatchingCounting SortManachers algorithmAll Articles on Searching, Sorting and Pattern Searching. Number theory and Other MathematicalPrime Numbers and Prime FactorizationSieve of EratosthenesSegmented SieveWilsons TheoremPrime FactorizationPollards rho algorithmModulo Arithmetic AlgorithmsBasic and Extended Euclidean algorithmsEulers Totient FunctionModular ExponentiationModular Multiplicative InverseChinese remainder theorem IntroductionChinese remainder theorem and Modulo Inverse ImplementationMiscellaneous: Counting InversionsCounting Inversions using BITlogarithmic exponentiationSquare root of an integerHeavy light Decomposition, this and thisMatrix RankGaussian Elimination to Solve Linear EquationsHungarian algorithmLink cutMos algorithm and thisFactorial of a large number in C++Factorial of a large number in Java+Russian Peasant MultiplicationCatalan NumberGeometrical and Network Flow AlgorithmsConvex HullGraham ScanLine IntersectionInterval TreeMatrix Exponentiation and thisMaxflow Ford Furkerson Algo and Edmond Karp ImplementationMin cutStable Marriage ProblemHopcroftKarp Algorithm for Maximum MatchingDinics algo and e-maxx