Data Security, Recovery and Storage Hacking for Newbies

Data Security, Recovery and Storage Hacking for Newbies
799 INR
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What comes to your mind when we talk about “Data Security”? Data Security is a mission-critical priority nowadays and has always been for IT teams in organizations of all sizes. As companies increasingly rely on InformationTechnology (IT) to collect, share, analyze, and communicate, they will also have to minimize risk, protect sensitive data, and adapt, in the process. One has to learn to secure data from attacks and simplify regulatory compliance and this is actually proving to be vital, day by day. This tenth incredible course “Data Security, Recovery and Storage Hacking for Newbies” will teach you concepts on Data Security, Data Recovery, and Storage Hacking to the maximum. The concept of data recovery involves procedures to actually recover the deleted items - which is like magic. We will also look at tools from a theoretical and also practical perspective in all these areas, covering a special outlook on the concept of storage hacking. What is Storage Hacking (in layman terms)?Storage hacking means transferring your storage to an online cloud server to increase storage limits to unlimited capabilities or capacities for your devices. This is very useful for enterprise-scale data storage as plenty of cloud-storage companies now provides an unlimited amount of cloud storage to users. Customers can upload files in Cloud, share them with anyone and access them at any time from any device in the world. Also, home users have utilized cloud services to the core to backup their movies, music, and even games, for that matter. Isn’t this fantastic?Ok, enroll now, and let’s start booming. There are interesting, engaging, and new things to experience here in this course. Learn about the amazing process of ‘Data Security, Recovery, and Storage Hacking for Newbies’ that can change the InformationTechnology (IT) world. It’s time to minimise risk, protect sensitive data, recover vital information and expand your storage to unlimited capacities in 2021There is no time to waste. Lights. Camera. Action. Let us do the magic. Get ready for another mind-blowing course by Digital Marketing Legend “SrinidhiRanganathan” and Civil Mastermind “Saranya Srinidhi”.