Constellations & Planets: The Story of the Night Sky

Constellations & Planets: The Story of the Night Sky
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Do you want to be able to find the constellations and planets in the night sky? This presentation comes with the tricks you need to know. Discover the constellations and planets and become familiar with the night skys story. This Course includes the following great BONUS LESSONS: What on Earth is Astronomy?Mini-Lesson: EclipsesMini-Lesson: Meteor ShowersMini-Lesson: AuroraConstellations and Planets: The Story of the Night Sky1. Objective2. Warm-up activity3. Our ancestors and the night sky stories4. Strategies for always knowing where the planets are in the sky5. The Dipper and Orion6. The constellations and why they change seasonally7. The celestial sphere8. Perspective9. Cassiopeia10. Star movements11. Longitude and latitude12. Light pollution13. Plane of the ecliptic14. Comparing star patterns and constellations15. Pointer stars16. The pole star (North Star)17. Finding the Andromeda Galaxy using pointer stars18. The Pleiades19. Memorizing the constellations by using stories20. The Milky Way Galaxy in the sky21. Finding the planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in the sky22. Retrograde motion23. Test questions24. Cross-curricular activitiesMy name is Tony Ceraso and I will be your instructor. I sometimes run the planetarium and have written curriculum for the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC. I have also written curriculum for NASAs school visitation program and teach on the college level in NJ. My goal is for you to thoroughly enjoy this lesson. I love astronomy and I want nothing more out of our time together than for you to have a greater appreciation for the universe through the understanding of this material. Besides the lesson Im going to preview for you now, the course includes warm up activities, test questions, and cross-curricular activities for you to download as a supplement.