Complete JSON AJAX API Code Course Beginner to Professional

Complete JSON AJAX API Code Course Beginner to Professional
199.99 USD
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Prefect course for beginners to learn AJAX and JSON! Step by step learning with all steps included Perfect for API Beginners to learn more about connecting to web apis with JavaScriptPlease note this course is designed for students with prior coding experience and objective of the course is to present how to connect to APIs and endpoints using JavaScript. The course does have prerequisites - JavaScript knowledge is an absolute prerequisite to the course -DONOTTAKETHECOURSEwithout prior Coding experience. Loaded full of examples and code snippets that can be used to build upon, practice and get comfortable with AJAX. Top developer resources, helpful tips and many many open APIs to practice with all included. Source Code also included so you can jump right in and start building applications. JSON is the preferred format for data being transferred between coding languages. Its easy to read, create and work with. Learn about JSON how it works and how you can use it within your own applications. AJAX provides the ability for your JavaScript code to make http requests to get data and update your page content with the new data. The data is commonly in JSON format which makes it ideal for use within JavaScript applications. Together AJAX and JSON are used everywhere and go hand in hand powering many of the top web applications and providing users what they expect from modern websites. Technologies used within this course: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Nodejs, AJAX, jQuery, SQLite, plus several npm packagesJSON - JavaScript Object NotationA lightweight data-interchange format which is easy for humans to read and writeLearn what JSON is and how to use it with JavaScript. Explore how to read and write JSON objects. Iterate thru JSON data and output data contents into your web page HTML elements. Build JSON in a dynamic format for better versatility and management. Event Triggers: How to trigger event listeners to use JSON data within JavaScript. Saving JavaScript data as JSON formatted content. JSON objects and Strings in JavaScript, conversion and manipulation. Getting JSON using HTTP XML request object. Exercise: practice JSON by building out several mini projects including a task list from scratch which stores content into local storage and retrieves local string content converted back in usable JavaScript objects. AJAX - Asynchronous JavaScript and XMLAJAX for building web based interactive applications that process user requests immediately. No page reload bring data into your application. Explore how AJAX works and how it is used in web applicationsSee what Fetch and XHR are and how they work to get dataConnect to external content and data, load it into you application and output the data for the user. Exercise: Using AJAX to connect to a web API and retrieve random user information. Learn how to use AJAX to get a txt file contentExercise: Use AJAX to retrieve jokes from an API and output the response data into your website. Find out how to use Fetch and make AJAX requests using FetchExercise: Simple POST and GET to server using Fetch and xHR AJAX. Posting form data to a server using FetchAJAX made easy with LibrariesExplore AJAX using two of the most popular libraries online. They solve the problem of cross browser differences in XHR requests and provide a seamless easy to apply experience when using AJAXUsing jQuery or Axios for AJAXThe easy way to AJAX with optionsjQuery AJAX and shorthand ajax methods. Exercise: Connect to various web APIs using jQuery and Axios - Build simple AJAX mini applicationsjQuery Explore how you can use this most popular JavaScript library to do more with less coding. Lightweight library option: Axios provides a seamless AJAX approach that works off promises. JSON Server for AJAX practice LocallyOften when using AJAX locally we run into CORS errors or others, JSON server provides the perfect resource to easy setup and practice running a local JSON ready server. Send POST and GET requests and a whole lot more. Learn how to set JSON server locallyTop resources to practice AJAX requests during development like PostmanExercise: Create a front end application to connect to your JSON server and send data. JavaScript and HTML to setup user interfacePractice making an AJAX request to the local server. Posting to JSON server using JavaScript AJAXExercise: Practice exercise to build interactive application driven by local json DB data. Add more options and even search the local database. Amazing easy to use JSON server options like searchExercise: Mini application to store user info into the database. Google Sheets as a data source for AJAX requestsExplore using Google Script along with Google Sheets to output data from your sheet. Learn how to connect that data to your applications. Apps Script is a scripting language for light-weight application development in the G Suite platformStep by step instruction on how to setup Google Sheets with a web app outputting data as JSONUse AJAX from your web application to get that data into your JavaScript code. Extend this even fu