Complete Flutter Guide 2023: Build Android, IOS and Web apps

Complete Flutter Guide 2023: Build Android, IOS and Web apps
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Welcome to the best and most industry-oriented hands-on course on Google Flutter where youll start from scratch and go step by step to become an industry-standard Flutter developer. We will respond to all of your Q & As so that you have the best learning experience. Covering all the fundamental concepts for Flutter development, this is the most comprehensive Flutter course available online We built this course over a year, perfecting the curriculum together with the industry standards to teach you Flutter from scratch and make you into a skilled Flutter developer with a strong portfolio of beautiful Flutter apps. Here youll learn to use Flutter, Dart, and Firebase to build beautiful, high-performance production-grade apps for Android, iOS, and the web. By the end of this course, you will be able to master topics like Layouts, animations, responsive handling, Streams, Future, Riverpod, Firebase, design patterns, and much more to develop apps that meet industry standards and get Google Flutter developer jobs. Major companies such as BMW, Ali baba, eBay, Tencent, Toyota, Google, and many more are using Flutter for developing their apps. The demand is high but the supply of developers is low, so this creates the perfect opportunity for you to learn about this trending topic which is Flutter! Having compiled over 2000 flutter job descriptions, we are fully aware of the qualifications needed to become a skilled and well-paid Google Flutter developer. We created this flutter course for anyone who wants to develop and release high-performance production-grade apps for Android, iOS, and the web all at once. What distinguishes this flutter course from others is its industry standards. Your flutter app may not be collaboration-friendly or may consume excessive power with the OS shutting the app down, making the app useless. However, similar disasters can be avoided with the right industry standards. From Beginner to Flutter Developer or Flutter software engineer with Just One CourseWe know that you’re here because you value your time. If you wanted to watch someone program for hours and hours without explaining what they’re doing, you’d be on YouTube. By getting this course, you can rest assured that the course is carefully thought out and edited. There are beautiful animations that explain all the difficult concepts and we’re always on hand to answer student questions. So by the end of the course, you’ll completely understand: Fundamental Flutter concepts e.g. Stateful vs. Stateless Widgets, Widget tree, state management, animations, JSON handling, and much more for Android, IOS, and Web Fundamental Dart concepts e.g. lists, maps, loops, futures, streams, mixins, classes, objects, and much more. Having an in-depth understanding of Flutter Animations and Flutter Layouts to have a strong bacA hands-on approach for going through more than 150 flutter widgets e.g MaterialButton, TextEditingController, Gesture detector, URL Launcher, Dio, Drawers, and so much more. Responsive handling to make sure your flutter app fits almost every screen Flutter Navigations Portfolio of apps to impress recruiters and clientsFlutter Streams & Flutter Future State management from basics to advanced topics like Provider & Riverpod & Hooks Flutter Web free hosting on Firebase Domain name transferFlutter Email authentication, FlutterGoogle authentication for web and mobileDeep dive into No-SQL database (Firestore)Design patterns like MVVM, MVC UP TO DATE: The course and projects were last updated in December 2022.With the Latest Flutter Version: 3.3.10The difference between a good developer and a great developer is how you code your apps to consume less power and that is exactly where we help you to stand out. Its a commendable skill in the Flutter community. But its also a highly neglected skill. Fortunately, its one of the major topics youll master here. With the amount of research we have done for a year, it ensures that youll not just be able to develop a Flutter app but develop it with Flutter industry standards and meet the requirements of most recruiters or clients. The apps youll build will meet proper standards and make your portfolio stand out. Without a shadow of a doubt, this is the best course on Google Flutter. All the Fluter projects we will create in this course are selected in a way to demonstrate how you can create different user interactions and how important it is to have nested flows in Google Flutter apps. Further, we will look at some more advanced Flutter UI widgets that can make your apps look fantastic and very interactive. We will deal with accessibility and styling all while incorporating the trial-and-run approach. This Google Flutter course has illustrative videos to ensure the best learning experience for you. Our comprehensive videos and curriculum are built keeping in mind a beginners as well as a professionals perspective. We have tried to answer as many questions and doubts as you might have throughout the course. Our extensive study over the past year guarantees that you won’t