Hey there! My name is Abdul Nafay and I would like to welcome you to my brand new course in which we will learn how to create this cool looping animation. Now these kinds of looping animation are very popular on Instagram and Behance so they would be perfect for your portfolio! In this class, we will go over the easy and simple process of modelling, animating, texturing and lighting so that your cinema 4d skills are enhanced significantly. By the end of this course, your cinema 4d skills will be on a whole new level because I will explain why we do almost every step in detail! I will teach you step by step, how to animate the cubes which are rotating, I will also you teach you how to clone those cubes and make a lot of them and I will also teach you how to properly animate the ball so that it looks really nice! All you are going to need for this tutorial is Cinema 4d! That’s correct! No render engine or any other fancy software is required. So what are you waiting for? Just start this class today and take your cinema 4d skills to the next level!