Chinese language learning and practice

Chinese language learning and practice
Categories: Video Creating, Courses
69.99 EUR
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The present course is intended for beginners and/or intermediate level students. It is an excellent chance to study and learn about the complements in Chinese language or the so called in Chinese. The courses offer theory, examples and explanations about the most common complements in Chinese language: 1 - the complement of result2- the complement of direction3- the complement of potentiality (4) The most common and complex structural particles in the Chinese language - (de).Its` use is often mistakenly understood by students and Chinese learners. Chinese language structural particles are extremely important, because without them it is almost impossible to express certain meaning in a sentence or in a particular text. It is also of un utmost importance to make a clear difference between the different structural particles in the Chinese language. It would enable the learner to make a good use of them. The courses are intended to be used by students and Chinese language learners all around the world, which have basic to intermediate level and understanding of the language. The topics are presented in a clear and easy double language Chinese and English model with main explanations in English. Having in mind the complex nature of this part of the Chinese grammar, the aforementioned topics would be examined in several short video presentations, which follow one by one, and in a short period of time I will add more content to the course.