INTERNATIONALLY CERTIFIEDFor students who are new here, welcome! For those of you returning to class, welcome back. There are several channeling courses Ihave online already. They are: Certified Resolution Therapist & Soul Provider ACCREDITEDCertified Channeler Understanding the Process ACCREDITEDResolution is a step by step on how to take a client or yourself through a 5-week illumination healing to transform your life, and others to transform their lives. This comes with exact session guides. Certified Channeler is the beginning stage of watching me go through getting comfortable with the process Iwas not comfortable with at all and seeing me develop it and channel in front of you. This new course dives deeper into the top three things that are the most important in channeling & the questions Ireceive the most. Understanding what channeling isHow to tap into the channel of channelingHow to trust yourself spiritually and what you receiveFollowing these lectures are ancient, channeled messages from a light-being named Euclytus. These tapes were almost lost by outdated technology and were preserved so that more may hear these intense messages of wisdom throughout the ages, on topics such as: How to deal with death, addiction and recoveryThe Central Sun and Mt. ShastaThe luminous energy field & light technologySelf-protection and using weight to protect ourselvesGeneral questions about lifeOur DNA and ReincarnationThe nature of timeDiscussion about animalsPast LivesCreating realities and the challenges of living on this energy grid and moreThe world has begun to understand channeling more each day as we begin to understand our true nature is less physical than we have thought previously. As this world has begun to vibrate at a higher level, many are beginning to awaken and open themselves to understating the light wisdom coming through them and wish to engage it more. If you are a medium, energy worker, empath or someone who has struggled with taking on energy of others and the planet, you may have already been channeling and you most likely are a healer. Channeling not only helps you to tap into the beyond, but more importantly helps you tap in to the within and will help you in your healing practice of giving as well as receiving. See you in class. Love & Light, Sufi