Certified Nutrition Health Dance Exercise Fitness Workout

Certified Nutrition Health Dance Exercise Fitness Workout
1699 INR
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Research that carbohydrates are always the bodys preferred source of fuel for performance. Performance-enhancing sources of carbohydrates are foods such as fruits, vegetables, oats, rice and other whole, minimally processed grains like quinoa, wheat or barley, for example. Dont go for a workout, with an empty stomach. This will affect endurance and strength. Eat real food one to two hours before the exercise and have small snacks, if possible. To determine the foods recommended in a dancers diet, its important to address a dancers calorie needs. Calories provide the energy needed to not only perform but also to sustain basic metabolic functioning. Calories are the no- no in our diet-obsessed culture but calories are needed for energy to perform well. Eating too few calories risks injury and nutrient deficiencies. There are lots of different types and styles of dance ranging from ballet to street dance. However, all, like any sport, require a lot of physical activity and practice, often for long periods and this requires optimum nutrition. In addition to two or three hours dance practice per day, dancers often also perform some cardiovascular exercise or even light weight training a couple of times per week. A well structured nutrition programme will help you keep fit and full of energy for long practice sessions. Good nutrition will also help lengthy concentration, in order to maximise your skill potential.