Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Training Course

Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Training Course
Categories: Video Creating, Courses
Brand: Learning247
59 GBP
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Course Description A Kubernetes Certification can take your career to a whole new level. Learning Kubernetes is essential for any DevOps professional. DevOps engineers are always in demand. Currently, the average Silicon Valley salary for a DevOps engineer is 20% higher than what a software engineer makes. DevOps engineers make an average of £100,000 to £150,000 annually. Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It was originally designed by Google and is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.Lectures alone will not help you clear the certification. This Kubernetes Certification is a practical hands-on exam. You will need hands-on experience and you will need to practice. This course explains several important aspects of taking the official Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam. You will learn about the exam procedure, where to find the latest information about the exam, and a few helpful tips for taking the exam.The Exam Objectives are below and will be covered in the course. Cluster Architecture, Installation andamp; Configuration 25% Workloads andamp; Scheduling 15% Services andamp; Networking 20% Storage 10% Troubleshooting 30% The following topics are covered. Kubernetes history - where it came from Kubernetes - Business Benefits Kubernetes Architecture - Masters, Nodes, Pods, Services andamp; Deployments Understand the desired state and declarative model Installing Kubernetes on Minikube, GCP What are Services, Deployments and Containers Working with Pods. Deploying your first pod. Kubernetes Control Plane Kubernetes Ingress and Egress Hands-On: Kubernetes deployments. Creating your first deployment Exam Preparation Scenario Questions Career Demand and Salaries What can you expect from the Kubernetes? Full downloadable content Kubernetes Demos Whiteboard Discussions Practice Questions Optional Exercises to follow Who would be the target audience?This course is for Kubernetes beginners and experienced professionals that want to have full coverage of the updated CKA exam objectives. Instructor Joe HolbrookVideo Content: 6 Hours 22MinutesTest Questions: 20 Courses Include 12 Months Unlimited Online Access to: Expert Instructor-Led Training: Our courses use only the industry’s finest instructors in the IT industry. They have a minimum of 15 years real-world experience and are subject matter experts in their fields. Unlike a live class, you can fast-forward, repeat or rewind all your lectures. This creates a personal learning experience and gives you all the benefit of hands-on training with the flexibility of doing it around your schedule 24/7. Visual Demonstrations andamp; Multimedia Presentations: Our courseware includes instructor-led demonstrations and visual presentations that allow students to develop their skills based on real world scenarios explained by the instructor. Learn 365 always focuses on real world scenarios and skill-set development. Quizzes andamp; Exam Simulators: Learn 365’s custom practice exams prepare you for your exams differently and more effectively than the traditional exam preps on the market. You will have practice quizzes after each module to ensure you are confident on the topic you have completed before proceeding. This will allow you to gauge your effectiveness before moving to the next module in your course. Learn 365 courses also include practice exams designed to replicate and mirror the environment in the testing center. These exams are on average 100 questions to ensure you are 100% prepared before taking your certification exam. Mobile Optimisation and Progress Tracking: Our courses are optimized for all mobile devices allowing students to learn on the go whenever they have free time. Students can access their courses from anywhere and their progress is completely tracked and recorded. Flash Cards andamp; Educational Games: We know that education is not a one size fits all approach. Students learn in different ways through different tools. That is why we provide Flash Cards and Education Games throughout our courses. This will allow you to train in ways that keep you engaged and focused. Each course will have dozens of Flash Cards so you can sharpen your skill-sets throughout your training as well as educational games designed to make sure your retention level of the materials is extremely high. Navigation and Controls: Learn 365’s self-paced training programs are designed in a modular fashion to allow you the flexibility to work with expert level instruction anytime 24/7. All courses are arranged in defined sections with navigation controls allowing you to control the pace of your training. This allows students to learn at their own pace around their schedule. Certificate of Completion: Upon completion of your training course, you will receive a Certificate of completion displaying your full name, course completed as well as the date of completion. You can print this out or save it digitally to showcase your accomplishment. Course Outline Module 1: Course Overview1.1 Course Overview1.2 Course PreReqsModule 2: Kubernetes and Container Fundamentals2.1 Core Concepts2.2 What is the CKA Exam2.3 Why Get Certified2.4 CKA Exam Domains2.5 What is Kubernetes2.6 What is a Container2.7 What is Docker2.8 Kubernetes Terminology2.9 Kubernetes Components2.10 Kubernetes Documentation2.11 Whiteboard - Kubernetes OverviewModule 3: Kubernetes Installation3.1 Kubernetes Installation3.2 Installation Options3.3 MiniKube3.4 Demo - Install Minikube3.5 Demo - Clusters3.6 Kubectl Basics3.7 Demo - Install KubectlModule 4: Working with Kubernetes Clusters and Nodes4.1 Working with Kubernetes Clusters and Nodes4.2 Understanding the Architecture4.3 Understanding the nodes4.4 Core Objects4.5 API4.6 Create a Cluster4.7 Demo - Create a Cluster4.8 Demo - YAML4.9 Demo - Nodes4.10 Demo - Kubectl Client ConfigModule 5: API Access and Commands5.1 API Access and Commands5.2 About the API5.3 Accessing the APIs5.4 Demo - Exploring APIS5.5 Kubectl5.6 Using YAML for API Objects5.7 Using Curl5.8 Labels and AnnotationsModule 6: Running Pods and Deployments6.1 Running Pods and Deployments6.2 Pods and Deployments6.3 What is a Namespace6.4 Scalability Options6.5 Rolling Updates6.6 Apply Changes to a Pod6.7 Stateful Sets6.8 Demo - Manage DeploymentsModule 7: Configuring Storage7.1 Configuring Storage7.2 Storage options with Kubernetes7.3 Configure Pod Volumes7.4 Configure Persistent Volumes7.5 Storage Classes7.6 Whiteboard - Persistent Volumes7.7 Demo - Configure StorageModule 8: Kubernetes Networking8.1 Kubernetes Networking8.2 Understanding Networking8.3 Services8.4 Network Plugins8.5 DNS8.6 Network Policies8.7 Namespaces8.8 Demo - Networking8.9 Manage High AvailabilityModule 9: Managing Security9.1 Managing Security9.2 Kubernetes Security9.3 Container and Pod Security9.4 Certificates9.5 API Security9.6 Configmaps and Secrets9.7 Secure Images9.8 Security Context9.9 RBACModule 10: Managing Kubernetes In the Enterprise10.1 Managing Kubernetes In the Enterprise10.2 Cluster Management and Maintenance10.3 Demo - Scale Deployment10.4 Demo - Restart Cluster10.5 Demo - Add or Remove Nodes10.6 Demo - Create a Pod in the Background10.7 Kubelet Restarts and Drains10.8 UI Dashboard10.9 Demo - Describe Resources10.10 Kube-scheduler10.11 Demo - Set-Up AliasModule 11: Kubernetes Monitoring and Troubleshooting11.1 Kubernetes Monitoring and Troubleshooting11.2 Monitoring Resources11.3 Monitoring Pods11.4 Demo - Monitoring Pods11.5 Logging11.6 Demo - Logging11.7 Troubleshooting11.8 Affinity and TaintsModule 12: CKA Practice Exams12.1 CKA Practice Exams12.2 Exam Preparation Must Know12.3 Question 1 - Create a Cluster, Deploy Pods and a Deployment12.4 Question 2 - Create a Pod and Verify12.5 Question 3 - Create a Pod with a Secret12.6 Question 4 - Get Logs on a Pod and Send to File12.7 Question 5 - Liveness Probe12.8 Question 6 - Use Labels12.9 Additional QuestionsModule 13: Course Closeout13.1 Course Closeout13.2 Course Review13.3 Kubernetes Certifications13.4 Additional Resources13.5 Exam Readiness13.6 Course Closeout Need to train your Team? 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