C# Master the Fundamentals of Programming

C# Master the Fundamentals of Programming
39.99 EUR
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This is a complete course and learning experience which will assist you in mastering the fundamentals of programming with C#. You’ll have access to around 20 hours of video lecturing content, a PDFBook with 42 exercises and solutions, and have the opportunity to enjoy well-prepared lectures. I use slides, hands-on coding in visual studio, animations, and other teaching tools to deliver what’s needed. During the way, we will have different CASESTUDIES in order for you to understand the concepts and QUIZZES after each section to validate the progress. What’s great about this course is that we will not stop at explaining theory only. We will do a lot of exercises too, for that reason I made a PDFMini-Book which you can download as a resource with 42 carefully designed coding problems with solutions. Also, Idedicated a lot of video lectures explaining and solving them. That means that this course serves the purpose of making you a good problem solver. You will learn the HOWSand WHYS.C# is a popular general-purpose, multi-paradigm programming language that is so popular in the software industry, a major player in windows desktop apps, enterprise web applications, mobile applications, and games. And for that reason being fluent in it will bring you many career opportunities.I will be a responsive instructor and reply to your questions or messages within 24 hours!