C# For Beginners: Learn C# Programming From Scratch

C# For Beginners: Learn C# Programming From Scratch
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Hello there, Welcome to “C# For Beginners: Learn C# From Scratch” course. Learn to code with C# : Learn the most popular game development language C# Fundamentals with Visual Studio and examples. Whether youre using C# in conjunction with Xamarin Forms to build cross-platform apps, or designing a new video game in Unity with C#, Udemy has a course for you. Udemy hosts top-rated courses on everything from the fundamentals of C# programming to more advanced topics like databases and asynchronous programming. Even though C# is a language thats relatively easy to learn and maintain, it isnt just for beginners. Its scalability and large support community make C# the language of choice for Microsoft app developers and video game developers working with the Unity Engine. Like C++ and Java, C# is a high-level object-oriented programming language. It is generally more efficient than Java and has useful features such as operator overloading. C# is based on C++ but has several advantages over this older language: it is type-safe, more comprehensively object-oriented, and the syntax has been simplified in several important ways. Most importantly, C# interoperates exceptionally well with other languages on the .NET platform. For this reason, C# is a better choice for building applications for .NET. What is C# ?C# (pronounced see-sharp) is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language. It was designed as a multi-paradigm programming language by Microsoft in around 2000 as part of its .NET initiative. The .NET framework and .NET applications are multi-platform applications that you can use with programming languages such as C++, C#, Visual Basic, and COBOL. C# is open-source and was designed to be simple yet modern, flexible yet powerful and versatile yet easy to learn and program with. Many programming languages in the past were designed for specific purposes. C# was developed with business and enterprise needs in mind. By providing functionality to support modern-day software development such as web applications, mobile, and response app needs, C# supports many features of modern-day programming languages. That includes generics, var types. What are the advantages of c# over C++ ?Thanks to the .NET framework, C# has many advantages over C++. C# is a refined and modernized version of C++. C++ was developed to bring object-orientation to C, an older but widely used language, and C++ became the de-facto language for building applications for Windows as well as infrastructure and low-level applications. Visual Basic was for business applications. What C# does is combine the rapid development capabilities of VB with the power of C++. C# also has many new data types, type-safety, to ensure you do not unknowingly reuse initialized variables. It uses a simplified syntax, a huge improvement over the complex coding often required in C++. C# also removes memory management issues thanks to .NETs garbage collection scheme. You do not have to reference items for garbage collection; the system can reclaim that memory as required. Why use encapsulation in C# ?Encapsulation can be used in C# to hide data and program behavior from users. With encapsulation, you can group properties, methods, and other members so that they are treated as a single object. It is a means to prevent the user of a given class from manipulating program objects in ways that were not intended by the designer or developer. Encapsulation hides how a program operates without affecting how it works while still allowing users to service requests for functionality and add or modify internal data or methods to meet changing needs. For example, suppose you have an object called Patient that contains patient-related data. In that case, you can use encapsulation to provision patient-specific data to those who need it without exposing all patient data. In addition to information hiding, you can use encapsulation in C# to improve your code’s reusability. What is C# used for?C# is a general-purpose programming language that you can use to build a wide range of programs and applications, such as web applications, Windows applications and game development. In web application development, you can build dynamic websites and apps using .NET or another open-source platform of your choice. Also, since Microsoft created C# for Microsoft, C# is a popular language for building Windows applications. There are rich resources and a vibrant C# community that can support and documentation for applications and programs specific to Microsoft platform architectures, making it easier than ever to develop applications in this space. Finally, C# is a popular language to use in game-building, especially with Unity, a game engine that runs on C++ and C#.What is a constructor? What is a destructor?To understand constructors and destructors, we need to understand methods. A method is a block of code that contains a series of statements. Programs run by executing methods. A constructor is a special method of a class that is automatically called whenever an insta