Building shadows for artists

Building shadows for artists
39.99 USD
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Shadow reflecting by an accurate method of descriptive geometryTo start with, I would say that this course is my most favourite one! In this course you will have studied how to create shadows on ordinary objects in architecture. We will begin with the simplest thing - a point in space, so we will understand how a ray and its projection makes a shadow at an object plane. Later we will go on with shadow reflecting: on Conethen on Cylinder, and later on a Sphere (Ball) as well, soo, the last one in this row of objects will be a bouncing under the object plane Egg - what will happen with a drop shadow thenAlso we will know what lightning is considered to be classical and what is an academic one. Will know what own and drop shadow mean. Will see the shadow shape difference in direct lighting and in diffused way. And does the difference between these lighting types exist at all?We will draw the lightning from: foregroundsidewayand background - backlight and unshaded! Later we will gradually move to architectural buildings and will try to reflect lights and shadows on architectural parts orthogonals. And then - on exterior details in isometry. After the course, you will not have any questions left connected with shadows reflecting, youll make sketches of them CORRECTLY and EASILY! Im waiting for you at the course! PS. 15% of the course profit receives a children hospice The house with light.