Beginners Guide to Oil Painting

Beginners Guide to Oil Painting
19.99 USD
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INTRODUCTION TO PAINTINGThis is a foundation painting course which will focus on art fundamentals such as composition, color theory, observation and basic techniques in Oil painting. WHAT YOU WILL LEARNUpon completion of this course you will have a deeper understanding of painting as an artist, fundamental principles and theories of painting will be explored using Oils and applied to the development of a painting. You will learn how to mix colors using just four colors, primary (colors red, yellow and blue) and white with all mediums Support and grounds, how to choose different surfaces and be able to translate your ideas into pictorial compositions with technical proficiency on different surfaces You will understand the elements of art through practical projects (line, shape, value, texture, composition color) You will develop composition in painting, freehand sketches from life, still life and nature; To develop work based assignments on medium and themes of their own choice; for example, figurative compositions, landscapes, cityscapes and still life etc. REQUIREMENTS Oil paints- Ultramarine Blue. Primary Cadmium yellow, Cadmium Red, Titanium white Oil Paints- Ultramarine Blue. Primary Cadmium yellow, Brilliant Red, Titanium white (if you are using Windsor and newton)- Thinner - Water- Brushes(Hog Brush)- From #000 to #12 flat brushes, fan brush and filbert - natural (white) bristle- Palette-Masonite, about 16 x 20"- Palette knife (trowel shape, not straight handle) Watercolor papers or Embossed papers Wood panel Sketchbook Canvas H and B Pencil seriesHOW TO SUCCEED IN PAINTING- PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT- Study different subject matters and paint them in order to find your style- Experiment with different surfaces, to be conversant with more than one surface- how the paint is applied, how the color interacts, etc. Look at the world around you with new sensitivity. Notice the light, the color, the shapes, the space. Work through problems. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Don’t be afraid to make a mess. Oils can be the simplest and easiest way for a beginner to learn classical painting techniques. The first things you will need is supplies to be able to paint. You dont need to spend a lot of money to get supplies. I still dont spend a lot but would rather put my money where quality counts. Upon completion of this course you will have a deeper understanding of painting as an artist, fundamental principles and theories of painting will be explored using Acrylics and applied to the development of a painting. You will learn how to mix colors using just three colors, primary (colors red, yellow and blue) Support and grounds, how to choose different surfaces and be able to translate your ideas into pictorial compositions with technical proficiency on different surfaces You will understand the elements of art through practical projects (line, shape, value, texture, composition color) You will develop composition in painting, freehand sketches from life, still life and nature; To develop work based assignments on medium and themes of their own choice; for example, figurative compositions, landscapes, cityscapes and still life etc. You will learn:1. Why to use Oils over acrylic paints and watercolor;2. What materials you need and those that can save you money3. What is color actually, the theory a4. What are values and why they matter;5. Mixing techniques, you can use right away;6. How to paint a variety of subjects from simple to complex;7. Are mediums necessary at all? Which to use. Who this course is for: Anyone who wants to try oils painting If you want the learn the basics of good painting.