Beginner's guide to Redis 5

Beginner's guide to Redis 5
1299 INR
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Caching is a technique used for improving application performance. Redis is the most popular caching software. Rich functionality and high performance makes Redis an excellent candidate as a caching software. In some projects, Redis is used as the only database. We will cover all the major topics inside redis 5 and the right APIs to use for different scenarios. We’ll look at the following topics from the ground up: InstallationRedis data structures like strings, lists, sets, sorted sets, hashes, geo hashes and hyperloglogBlocking APIs are covered as well. Redis streams (This is a new feature in Redis 5)TransactionsMessage passingScaling redis manually and using redis clustering. Server configuration (includes security and extending Redis using scripts.)The complete course is taught in Linux (Ubuntu), which is what most industries use in production environments. This course is self contained and has no programming language requirement.