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This is a course about the basics of the caricature art by Chris Marvens, the first and only Haitian caricature artist part of the ISCA (International Society Of Caricature Artists) awarded by the US embassy in 2017! Why buying this course?Cartoons are used today primarily for conveying political commentary and editorial opinion in newspapers and for social comedy and visual wit in magazines. Wright, Thomas (1875). A History of Caricature and Grotesque in Literature and Art: " Since my early childhood I have been surrounded by satirical art and caricatures, which I had a chance to explore in a massive collection of various reviews, albums, catalogues, and books, which were stored in my uncles studio and served him as references for his paintings. I was lucky enough to have easy access to such a great encyclopedia of all kinds of satirical art. The satirical imagery stimulated my learning about the world I was about to experience. This constant exposure to visual material created in my mind a desire to become an artist who would be able, as my uncle was, to express his feelings and observations through the visual language of satire and humor. Furthermore, during many of my professional activities such as: caricature animations, participation in many international festivals of caricature and press drawing, I have seen mostly the happy and smiling faces of the many people who were participating in these events with great excitement. It is why I think that satirical art could play an important role in education curricula by teaching students to create an intellectually resourceful and challenging art, which would explore their sense of critical thinking and humoristic regard on a variety of important issues to which our contemporary society is exposed on a daily basis" .Why Chris Marvens?His caricatures reveal addiction to Smartphones, show a globe sucking a womans breast; long story short: He uses the cartoon as a mean of artistic expression to open up the societys eyes about the poverty, racisms, sexism and politic problems all around the world. What are you waiting for to watch this course?