Basic to Advanced Email Marketing and List Building

Basic to Advanced Email Marketing and List Building
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What is Email Marketing?Email marketing, at its core, is pretty straight forward. Its the use of email messages sent to a list of subscribers to advertise or promote brands, products, offers, events, or pretty much anything you want. Now that core definition of email marketing may be simple, but email marketing has come a long way in recent years and theres actually quite a bit more to it than that, today. Well be discussing those advances later in this guide, but first, lets go over WHY you need email marketing in your business. Why Email Marketing?The need for email marketing is one of those things you just cant argue with because the numbers are just too clear and astounding to ignore. According to a report by DMA, the average return on investment (ROI) for email marketing these days is $38 for every $1 spent. And 80% of business professionals report growth in customer acquisition and retention resulting from email marketing. Theres nothing else like it. Not even social media comes close. Leads are twice as likely to opt-in to your email list than they are to engage with your business on Facebook. And if you thought social media and search engines were the key to growing your business, think again. Email conversion rates are higher than both search and social combined! This should come as no surprise, really. Consumers have repeatedly insisted that they LIKE getting promotional messages via email. Over 70% of consumers say email is their preferred channel for business communication and 60% even say they want to receive your marketing emails weekly or MORE often. So, in light of all the recent trends and data, theres really no questioning the critical importance of email marketing in your business. If youre not using email marketing in your business. its time to start, right now. The only question is. Where to start?This course will help you answer that question