While always maintaining a healthy respect for electricity, home electrical wiring projects don’t need to be intimidating. This course will give you the knowledge you need to tackle these projects. Designed for the beginner, this course draws on the more than 30 years experience of a licensed electrical contractor and hundreds of on-the-job photos and easy-to-follow wiring diagrams. You will be provided with outside resources to supplement the information in the course and quizzes to test your understanding of the material. After completing this course, you will be able to take on home wiring projects with confidence. The Course OutlineSafetyDo not work on energized circuits. Do not work with energized wires. Do not work in an energized panel. Basics of ElectricityElectricity to the homeOverhead ServiceUnderground ServiceElectrical ServiceGrid Power SystemConcept and TheoryHome Electrical Circuit LoadsOHMS Law CalculationsElectrical Circuit LoadsToolsHand and Pouch ToolsPower ToolsSpecial ToolsTestersPlug InNon-ContactAnalogDigitalElectrical Distribution PanelInterior OverviewMain Service MeterPanel Circuit BusEarth Ground to NeutralEarth Ground ComponentsMain Breaker DisconnectCircuit Breakers120/240 Volt Circuit BreakersBrands, Types, and StylesSingle PoleDouble PoleTandemQuadInstalling a BreakerMulti-Wire CircuitsWire and CableWire SizesOld Electrical WireKnob and Tube WiringWire ConnectorsBasic Wiring MethodsConnecting Wires to Terminal ScrewsUsing Wire StrippersMaking a SpliceMaking a Ground Wire PigtailHome Electrical WiringPlans and PermitsInstall Electrical BoxesDrill the Wiring HolesInstall the WiringInstall the Main PanelStaple and Secure the WiringMake the Circuit ConnectionsInstall Electrical DevicesReceptacle Outlets15- and 20-Amp OutletsOne Cable, End of CircuitPush-In-Wire ConnectionScrew Terminal Wire ConnectionSeries Wired OutletsParallel Wired OutletsDouble Wired OutletsHalf-Hot Switched OutletsSwitchesSingle Switches3-Way Switches4-Way SwitchesDimmer SwitchesLight FixturesInstall an Outdoor LightWiring a Motion DetectorWiring a Ceiling Light FixtureCeiling FansWiring DiagramsInstall a Ceiling Fan and LightInstall a Ceiling Fan Remote ControlSurge ProtectionProtecting the Electrical SystemSurge DeviceUpdating Home ElectricalOutdated Wiring Circuits and DevicesSwitches and OutletsIncorrect Wiring MethodsIllegal Wiring MethodsPriority UpdatesSmoke DetectorsAFCI BreakersGFCI OutletsPanel Upgrade