Bacula 3: bpipe to stream dumps & clones directly to backup

Bacula 3: bpipe to stream dumps & clones directly to backup
29.99 USD
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*This s the continuation of the course Bacula 1: Open Source Backup Software, available at Udemy"Using bpipe is the fastest, easiest, most automated and economic way of doing hot backups of specific application such Postgresql, Mysql, Firebird, Oracle databases; Xen and Kvm Virtual Machines export / snapshots; tar packages with several files; and more! The bpipe plugins automatically creates, writes and reads from a FIFO, and is able to restore information directly to your application. E.g.: restore a database directly from Bacula, without the need to do any further operation. And you can do that with Bacula Community or Enterprise. Any information that I send though the echo it goes but is not really stored on the FIFO; it is read directly by the Bacula and written into backup volume. You don’t use disk space for that. Training example applications: MySQLPostgreSQLFirebirdLDAPXenServerTarEcho etc.