Azure DevOps Training in Arabic

Azure DevOps Training in Arabic
24.99 USD
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This course will help you to gain understanding Agile concepts, DevOps concepts and how to configure TFS with Visual Studio with ASP.NET Core project then you will know how to configure continues integration to automate the build and automate the release and deployment by configure continues deployment on Azure App Services and Windows Virtual Machine IIS. Course Focus: What is AgileAgile is a project management methodology that breaks down larger projects into smaller, manageable chunks known as iterations. What is DevOpsDevOps is the acronym given to the combination of Development and Operations. It refers to a collaborative approach to make the Application Development team and the IT Operations team of an organization to seamlessly work with better communication. It is a philosophy that encourages adopting iterative software development, automation, and programmable infrastructure deployment and maintenance. What is version controlWhat is source controlWhat is TFS with demoWhat is DevOps Continues Integration (CI) with Azure DevOps demoWhat is DevOps Continues Deployment (CD) with Azure DevOps demoHow to create Azure App ServiceHow to create Azure Virtual MachineHow to prepare IIS to host web applicationThis course is focus to Azure DevOps as a toolchain using and it is not focus in deep to DevOps mindsets.