Azure Basics in less than 3 hrs - Masterclass for Business

Azure Basics in less than 3 hrs - Masterclass for Business
19.99 USD
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Microsoft maintained the No. 2 position in Gartners IaaS market share with nearly 60% growth, reaching $12.7 billion in revenue in 2020. The global healthcare crisis and disruption in workplace environments during the pandemic era drove increased demand from existing Microsoft Azure customers to migrate mission-critical workloads, such as from healthcare applications with AI-assisted bots, digital twins in manufacturing and e-commerce in retail. Azure’s versatility around different product range making it popular amongst top companies: Broadly appealing: Microsoft has the broadest sets of capabilities, covering a full range of enterprise IT needs from SaaS to PaaS and IaaS, compared to any provider in this market. From the perspective of IaaS and PaaS, Microsoft has compelling capabilities ranging from developer tooling such as Visual Studio and GitHub to public cloud services. Enterprise relationships: Enterprises often choose Azure because of the trust in Microsoft built over many years. Such strategic alignment with Microsoft gives Azure advantages across nearly every vertical market. Data services adoption: Microsoft Azures forays in operational databases and big data solutions have been markedly successful over the past year. Azures Cosmos DB and its joint offering with Databricks stand out in terms of customer adoption. This course will give you a basic understanding of different Azure resources like VM, Kubernetes Cluster, Storage account and many more and how you can use them in your Azure environments. This course is packed full of real-world demonstrations from within the Azure portal to give you first-hand experience around different business user cases, at the end of the course you will have a good understanding around different business aspect like managing cost, utilising Azure cloud adoption framework. Learning Objectives: Introduction to Microsoft AzureAzure Subscription & DemoAzure Resource Group & DemoARM Template & Deployment ModelAzure Cloud Adoption FrameworkCosting & Pricing CalculatorAzure Storage Account - LRS, ZRS, GRS, GZRSHigh Availability & Availability Region // SetMonitoring & AlertingCompute InstancePractise QuestionsTagging & Locking