Are you living your life on purpose? Or have you been going with the flow? Now more than ever we should be leading a life of passion and purpose. Banish uncertainty and find your purpose and in 7 days or less with the Be Truly Alive Programme. If you are stuck and unsure of your next steps, or youve simply lost the zest for life, Be Truly Alive is for you. Claudias innovative guided program will give you the clarity to make better, more powerful, and aligned choices. After all, it is our decisions and choices that define the quality of our lives. So whether you’re feeling stressed or near burnout, or simply want to reignite your passion for life, this is the chance you have been looking for. The Be Truly Alive program is delivered to you online, anytime, anywhere, and can be repeated as many times as you wish. While the course is hosted online, you are never left alone, with ongoing support provided via the Be Truly Alive Facebook Support Group and from Claudia directly. Get Clarity. Change your thinking. Make Better decisions. Be Truly Alive by Claudia Rodino is the 7-day program that will guide you to your best, authentic and most energised life. We all have our own calling, Let me help you find yours. Claudia Rodino, 2021Value-add bonus content to the online course: Join our mailing list to receive regular new content and alerts for upcoming courses and events. Invitation and special discount to our regular live in-person seminars to be announced. Join our priority invitation list to regular online webinars with Claudia. Direct link to Book Appointment (individual sessions, online and in person).What to expect from “Awakening Be Truly Alive”:Day 1 - INTRODUCTION AND PERSONAL STORYOn this day I am inviting you to witness a big part of my personal journey, how did I find myself on a crossroad and what did I do to get through it and find the real ME. Also, you will briefly learn how the brain works and why we feel stuck sometimes, so you can take control of how to unpack your mind. Day 2 - ACHIEVE MIND CLARITYOn this day, we are going to start bringing our self-awareness to the surface. This is the fundamental step to start getting in touch with your own self and acknowledge what is going on. ACCEPTING how you are and feel at the moment is the first step of your AWAKENING. Also, how to Re-assess your own energy level and how to get your mind in blank modeDay 3 - CONQUER YOUR FEARS AND LET GOThe purpose of this day is to start expanding your Awareness and allowing your mind to be Receptive and more willing to learn new things. This is when you start Shifting the Paradigm. Also, I am welcoming you in my Spanish world to Do something different and uncomfortable, so your mind gets out of rigidity. (Exercises include Spanish reading and Tango steps)Day 4 - TUNE IN TO YOUR INTUITION AND ENERGY SYSTEMOn this day you get to connect with your energy system and start mastering this in your conscious awareness. Also, exercises to understand what intuition is and how it works. Exercises to connect with your 5 senses. Introducing the energy system, how the chakras and meridians work and acknowledging that we live in our own energy instead of thinking that our body has energy. Day 5 - CONNECT TO YOUR OWN MAGNETIC FORCENow that you became more aware about your body, mind and energy, we begin applying the tools that will help you achieve the change in your thinking. This will open up THE NEW pathway to become and achieve what you WANT. Brain Gym exercise to prepare the mind: PACE. Meditation to identify your triggers and reprograming your mind to unblock the energy within you: ESRDay 6 - CLEAR YOUR EMOTIONAL AND BODY BLOCKAGES AND REINFORCEThis day is dedicated to clear your entire system. For sure you may feel already lighter, but you may feel that your awareness is not awaken yet and I want you to tap into it. We want to make sure that you feel it so clear so you can immerse in your new Identity 100%.Emotional Stress Release ExerciseTension Stress Release ExerciseBreathwork Stress Release ExerciseDay 7 - IMMERSION WELCOME TO YOUR AWAKENINGOn immersion day we repeat the whole process and scan our entire body, mind and heart to see if it feels totally clear. The more you repeat it, the deeper you get connected to yourself. So be prepared and love the process It will get you to the REAL YOU how amazing is that! Heart-storming Exercise