Automated Testing using Coded UI with Visual Studio 2015

Automated Testing using Coded UI with Visual Studio 2015
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THIS COURSE IS RECENTLY UPDATED by adding new pdf file (In Section 2: Test Automation of Web Application, Lecture 6: Code Against Record/Playback Approach) which shows how to launch the mortgage calculator URL programmatically instead of launching manually The reason behind is, I have received lot of feedback about mortgage calculator URL launching. They did not figure out that they have to launch the URL manually before they start the test so they keep asking that where is the mortgage calculator URL for application to start? By adding detail information inside the pdf file will help them. THISCOURSEISBEINGUPDATEDEVERYSINGLEWEEK with new lectures AND/OR valuable information to Q & A section based on the questions asked byStudents HIGHLIGHTS: Updated the QA section with good discussion of how to compare expected value from excel sheet against actual value from web element. Also provided sample code to update the excel sheet with the result of comparison. Added new lecture to support Data Driven Execution with Visual Studio 2017.Added new lecture called Interview Questions specific to Coded UI. Discussed different types of data source supported by Coded UI for Data Driven Testing. Discussed launching Chrome browser instead of using default Internet Explorer browser. Installation tips of Selenium Components for Coded UI Cross Browser Testing, Selenium Web Driver, Chrome Web Driver, NUnit test framework, NUGet package etc. Discussed creation and execution of Coded UI Test in Visual Studio 2015 Vs Visual Studio 2017Discussed an excel file format for executing multiple test cases. Added sample code and sample excel files. Discussed various type of automation framework and posted some best practiceautomation frameworkdiagram that you can start implement. Discussedweb performance and load test usingVisual Studio Enterprise using Cloud-based Load Testing. DiscussedLoad Testingofweb performance test usingdata driven approach. This course is designed for both testers and developers. Tester who want to develop their testing skills in the test automation and Developer who want to execute their unit test in automated way. This course will teach you how quickly you can build the test automation of Web Application andDesktop Application (Windows Forms/WPF) using Coded UI with Visual Studio 2015. This course will also give you bonus lecture of Mobile Test Automation using Xamarin with Visual Studio 2015.After you havecompleted this course you should be able to build test automation projects for your company’s applications. This course shouldalso help you for your test automation job interview.