Automate application with Specflow and Selenium C#

Automate application with Specflow and Selenium C#
19.99 USD
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This course will enable one to understand the complete End-to-End code development using Specflow and integrating Selenium with Specflow feature files and scenarios by leveraging the power of Behavioral driven development. The aim of this course is to give all the information you need to understand the basics of Gherkin language specification, Behavioral Driven development (BDD) and how to write scenarios to run Selenium test in much easier way with Specflow. Again, this course, will not cover any basics of C# programming languages or Selenium automation testing, rather, we will directly discuss about the nitty-gritty details on Specflow and its great features to create much robust features and step definitions. We will also see the power of Visual studio IDE intelli-sense working seamlessly with Specflow while writing feature files and mapping step definitions with various different classes (which is highly nagging while working with cucumber in ruby language)