Authentic Assertiveness: Next level communication skills.

Authentic Assertiveness: Next level communication skills.
199.99 USD
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““I am truly grateful for this course and content. This gave me the information and instruction required to handle a variety of challenging situations assertively. I highly recommend this course. Thank you very much!” - 5-star rating from Margaret McIntosh, Udemy student.“This course has had a positive impact on all my relationships. Thank you.” - 5-star rating from Jessica Bailey, Udemy student. Would you like to be able to speak your mind and ask for what you want in a way that is comfortable both for you and for others?Would you like to be the kind of person that people listen to because they want to listen, and not because theyre forced to?Or maybe you just want to learn a few techniques that will help you communicate more clearly and assertively - and make you more influential?This course, filmed in a high-quality studio environment and taught by top-rated Udemy instructor TJGuttormsen - an expert on communication with over a decade’s worth of hands-on experience with clients from all over the world - will help you achieve all these things and more!“Outstanding presentation of assertive soft skills! I have over 20 years of experience in the Aerospace industry and I wish we’d had a course like this available for anyone who wants it. Good skills in these areas can help everyone succeed. Thank you for putting this course together!” - 5-star rating from William McClelland, Udemy student.“One of the best courses I have had the pleasure of taking here on Udemy. TJ’s knowledge and understanding of assertiveness is impressive but what makes it even better are the practical examples and the clarity in which he explains each section. I have already started taking action! Highly recommended course for anyone who wants to be more assertive and confident in their personal and professional life. A*” - Janet, Udemy student. Assertive communication is widely regarded to be the most effective style of communication. Its important for nearly all aspects of our lives. From friendships, relationships, and family, to work and success if we are able to communicate assertively, we are much more likely to create the results that we want. Since 2009, TJ Guttormsen has worked with people from all over the world to improve their communication skills. He has done over 100 national media appearances, published several books, written hundreds of articles, and taught seminars and courses to thousands of people from all walks of life, from over 135 countries. His other courses on Udemy have several times been the highest-rated courses in their categories, and the positive feedback from students getting real-world results keep flowing in. Now he has put together a comprehensive course on Authentic Assertiveness that will teach you how to communicate in such a way that it will inspire others to truly want to listen to you. When you master authentic assertiveness youll be the kind of person who can comfortably ask for what you want, share your opinions, make decisions, take initiatives, and more in ways that will make both you and the people youre talking to feel good about it all.“This is a comprehensive course that provides both the psychological background for assertiveness, along with easily understandable examples and exercises. Highly recommended!” - 5-star rating from Tor Anestad, Udemy student.“This is one of the highest quality courses I’ve ever taken. The content is very well organized, clearly delivered and most importantly, concretely helpful and actionable. The strategies, techniques, and perspectives I learned in this course have helped me to transform my life in a very positive way. Interpersonal engagements that used to feel very confusing and disempowering are now opportunities for growth, empowerment and the creation of harmony. I struggled to a disabling degree with assertiveness before this course. So great was my struggle that I was diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum. Despite having a diagnosable communications related disability, this course has given me the tools to grow, even in the context of having challenges with certain sensory and neurological processing. That’s a great feeling. I highly recommend this course.” - 5-star rating from Twilah H, Udemy student. Authentic Assertiveness. Authentic Assertiveness is not your average assertiveness course. It’s not about being the loudest or most insisting person in the room. It’s not about having to always be in charge. It’s not about using power to get your way. Authentic Assertiveness is about being comfortable speaking your mind, asking for what you want, saying no, saying yes, taking initiatives, handling disagreements, setting boundaries, giving invitations - and all the other things that make our lives better. Its about communicating with others in a connected way which will make you stand out as not just assertive and influential but also respectful and more socially intelligent than most. In other words, people won’t listen to you because you’re loud, forceful, or domineering. They’ll listen to you because you’re connected