Assembly Language using ATMEL AVR Microcontroller

Assembly Language using ATMEL AVR Microcontroller
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A warm welcome to the Assembly Language using ATMEL AVR Microcontroller course by Uplatz. The Atmel AVR instruction set is essentially the machine language for the Atmel AVR, a modified Harvard architecture 8-bit RISC single chip microcontroller which was developed by Atmel in 1996. The AVR was one of the first microcontroller families to use on-chip flash memory for program storage. AVRs are popular in the electronics and embedded engineering industry. The number of devices used might not be as much as the ARMs or the 8051s because the architecture is just limited to the AVRs. If you go to 8051 or ARM, in most cases you can even change the manufacturer of the chip and reuse most of the code that you have already developed. The AVR Enhanced RISC microcontroller supports powerful and efficient addressing modes for access to the Program memory (Flash) and Data memory (SRAM, Register file, I/O Memory, and Extended I/O Memory).Microcontrollers are nothing but chips (ICs) that are found everywhere for e.g. in microwaves ovens, new appliances, automobiles, televisions, etc. These microcontrollers control and sense the surrounding electronics and environment. For example, microcontrollers can provide output to a display, motor, LEDS, etc, sensing the environment, such as tilt using an accelerometer, light, angular velocity using a MEMS (Microelectromechanical System) gyroscope, sound, encoders for movement, temperature, and button or keyboard input. Specifically, the AVR Atmega32 microcontroller is considered to be a computer on a chip. The microcontroller is able to execute a set of instructions in the form of a program. One example of the use of the analog to digital conversion would be for sensing the temperature. A component that converts temperature to a level of voltage called a thermistor to one of the Port A pins and the microcontroller will convert this voltage to a number from 0 to 255. The program that is written and stored into the microcontroller can use this temperature and respond in a specific way. If you have a thermistor against a boiling pot, the microcontroller can respond and provide an output to another pin that beeps, or flashes a light. Other features of this and other microcontrollers, other than the actual programming is the programming space (where the program is stored in the chip), memory, or space for data and variables that the program will use, and finally, there is a clock built into the chip that counts. The counting can be in many different speeds depending on the speed of the chip and the divisor that is selected for the speed. This is starting to get complicated, so I will back up. The counting can be in seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, or whatever is determined for the program and application selected. An Assembly Language is a type of low-level programming language that is intended to communicate directly with a computers hardware. Unlike machine language, which consists of binary and hexadecimal characters, assembly languages are designed to be readable by humans. A low-level programming language is Assembly Language. It aids in the translation of programming language into machine code. An assembler is a program that converts assembly code into machine code that can be executed on a computer. Assembly language is used to decode instructions and pass them on to machine language for processing. It is mostly determined by the system’s architecture, whether it be the operating system or the computer architecture. Low-level programming languages such as assembly language are a necessary bridge between the underlying hardware of a computer and the higher-level programming languages - such as Python or JavaScript - in which modern software programs are written. What is AVR microcontroller used for?It contain on chip central processing unit (CPU), Read only memory (ROM), Random access memory (RAM), input/output unit, interrupts controller etc. Therefore a microcontroller is used for high speed signal processing operation inside an embedded system. Key Features include: CostSpeedPeripheralsMnemonic processor instructions or data, as well as other statements or instructions, make up Assembly Language. It is created by compiling the source code of high-level languages such as C and C++. Assembly Language aids in the program’s fine-tuning. Assembly language aids programmers in producing human-readable code that is almost identical to machine code. A low-level programming language is Assembly Language. It aids in the translation of programming language into machine code. An assembler is a program that converts assembly code into machine code that can be executed on a computer. Assembly language is used to decode instructions and pass them on to machine language for processing. It is mostly determined by the system’s architecture, whether it be the operating system or the computer architecture. This course on Assembly Language using Atmel AVRMicrocontroller will begin with an ATMEL AVR Microcontroller experimentation utilizing all simulation tools. Anyone