Ascension Techniques of the Ascended Masters

Ascension Techniques of the Ascended Masters
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Dear Spiritual TravelersWho are the Ascended Masters? The Ascended Masters are guides who helps Humankind, and help with the expansion of light on this planet, they are Spiritual Beings, not bound by time and space. Having come into the full embodiment, as you and I through the portals of birth, They walked the earth fulfilling the inner calling of their God plan. Ascended Masters have mastered all of the lower functions of life, and have balanced their Karma. In this lessons we are going to talk more about the Ascended Masters, and who they are, and how we can ask for their assistance in our own transitions. So what is your life purpose? What is your goal in life? If you have doubts about the answers to these questions, would it not seem wise to TRY TO FIND OUT and stop wasting time? Can you love God and your fellowman enough to help in this worthy causeto bring permanent peace and freedom to this lovely planet Earth? Then read with an open mind, and ponder the message in your heart. TEST that which you are about to learn. QUESTION the message. Is it internally consistent? Does it make sense? Is it logical? PRACTICE the teaching, apply it in your daily life. UNDERSTAND the moment of opportunity opened before to show how you may grow spiritually and you may assist at this time of cosmic import. We are inundated with the cares of this world, the problems of life, family, finances, health and relationships. often, we use different medicines, substances, and counseling to help us battle the problems that constantly attack’s our minds, and keep us in feelings, of despair, depression, anxieties, and fear. Because I have witnessed in my own family members suffering with emotional, mental and physical disorders forced me to seek out solutions to help alleviate their suffering. I went to school for social work, and human behavior, and received my degrees in Social work, and Metaphysics. While on my spiritual journey I joined the Rosicrucian’s and they helped open my mind to new ideas and concepts. I also took many courses in Reiki Energy modalities, metaphysics, mysticism and spiritual studies to learn techniques that I can use to help others. This particular course has mantras, decrees, and affirmations to receive assistance from the Ascended Masters, and from within yourself. The more you practice these lessons the stronger you will become as a spiritual traveler. Always remember to trust your inner knowing and you will find more peace in the world.