Arduino - Programming and Interfacing

Arduino - Programming and Interfacing
799 INR
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After completion of this course learners will be able to:(1) Understand various hardware features of the Arduino UNO board.(2) Understand various features of Integrated Development Environment (IDE) software used for the development of software.(3) Understand how to download and use the Arduino IDE for the development of software.(4) Understand some features of Atmega 328 microcontroller.(5) Understand the structure of the Arduino program.(6) Understand various functions that can be used while writing the Arduino program.(7) Understand the working principle and function of various pins of output devices such as LED, Seven Segment Display, Liquid Crystal Display.(8) Understand the working principle and function of various pins of Switch, Keypad Matrix, Potentiometer, and Analog to Digital Converter IC.(9) Understand the working principle and function of various pins of Temperature Sensor (LM35), Humidity and Temperature Sensor (DHT11), Light Dependent Register, Touch Sensor, Optical Sensor, etc.(10) Demonstrate the interfacing and programming of LED, Seven Segment Display, Liquid Crystal Display with Arduino UNO board.(11) Demonstrate the interfacing and programming of Switch, Keypad Matrix, and Potentiometer with Arduino UNO board.(12) Understand the working principle and function of various pins of the Relay Board.(13) Demonstrate the interfacing and programming of Relay Board with Arduino UNO board to control high voltage devices.(14) Demonstrate the interfacing and programming of Temperature Sensor (LM35), Humidity and Temperature Sensor (DHT11), Light Dependent Register, Touch Sensor, Optical Sensor with Arduino UNO board.