Aprende a pintar bustos de la SGM

Aprende a pintar bustos de la SGM
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INTRODUCCINEste vdeo contiene los fundamentos de pintura de una cara a escala 1/10. Aprenderemoscmo pintar los ojos con un alto nivel de detalle, cmo aplicar luces, sombras y diferentestonos en la piel y tambin a imitar el aspecto de una sombra de barba. Os mostrar tcnicas para pintar el pelo y las cejas y cmo trabajar el gorro para simular latextura de la lana. La ltima parte del vdeo la dedicar a exponer todos los pasos necesarios para representar uncamuflaje tipo splinter utilizando una tcnica mixta de aergrafo y pincel. INTRODUCTION: This video contains the basics of painting a face at 1/10 scale. We will learnhow to paint the eyes with a high level of detail, how to apply lights, shadows and different skin tones and also to mimic the look of a beard shade.I will show you techniques to paint the hair and eyebrows and how to work the hat to simulate thewool texture. The last part of the video I will dedicate to expose all the necessary steps to represent acamouflage type splinter using a mixed technique of airbrush and brush. INDICE: Section 1:IntroduccinLecture 1:INTRODUCCIN(Preview enabled)Section 2:OJOSLecture 2:OJOS(Preview enabled)Section 3:PIELLecture 3:BASELecture 4:1 LUZLecture 5:2 LUZLecture 6:3 LUZLecture 7:4 LUZLecture 8:1 SOMBRALecture 9:2 SOMBRASection 4:LABIOSLecture 10:LABIOS(Preview enabled)Section 5:VELADURASLecture 11:VELADURASSection 6:SOMBRA DE BARBALecture 12:1 PARTELecture 13:2 PARTELecture 14:3 PARTESection 7:BARNIZLecture 15:BARNIZSection 8:PELOLecture 16:BASELecture 17:LUCES Y VELADURASection 9:GORROLecture 18:BASELecture 19:1 LUZLecture 20:2 LUZLecture 21:TRANSICIONESLecture 22:3 LUZLecture 23:LAVADO Y SOMBRALecture 24:VIVO Y ALUMINIOSection 10:CAMUFLAJE SPLINTERLecture 25:BASE, LUZ Y SOMBRA (AEROGRAFO)Lecture 26:MANCHAS MARRONES 1 PARTELecture 27:MANCHAS MARRONES 2 PARTELecture 28:MANCHAS MARRONES 3 PARTELecture 29:MANCHAS MARRONES 4 PARTELecture 30:MANCHAS MARRONES 2 CAPALecture 31:MANCHAS VERDESLecture 32:LAVADO, SOMBRA Y COSTURASLecture 33:LUZ MANCHAS MARRONESLecture 34:LUZ MANCHAS VERDESLecture 35:LUZ COSTURASLecture 36:ASTILLAS 1 PARTELecture 37:ASTILLAS 2 PARTELecture 38:ASTILLAS 3 PARTELecture 39:ASTILLAS 4 PARTESection 11:CREDITOSLecture 40:CREDITOS