Apache Spark Hands on Specialization for Big Data Analytics

Apache Spark Hands on Specialization for Big Data Analytics
149.99 USD
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What if you could catapult your careerin one of the most lucrative domains i.e. Big Data by learning the state of the art Hadoop technology (Apache Spark) which is considered mandatory in all of the current jobs in this industry?What if you could develop your skill-set in one of the most hottest Big Data technology i.e. Apache Spark by learning in one of the most comprehensive course out there (with 10+ hours of content) packed with dozens of hands-on real world examples, use-cases, challenges and best-practices?What if you could learn from an instructor who is working in the world’s largest consultancy firm, has worked, end-to-end, in Australia’s biggest Big Data projects to date and whohas a proven track record on Udemy with highly positive reviews and thousands of students already enrolled in his previous course(s)?If you have such aspirations and goals, then this course and you is a perfect match made in heaven! Why Apache Spark?Apache Spark has revolutionised and disrupted the waybig data processing andmachine learning were done by virtue of its unprecedented in-memory and optimised computational model. It has been unanimously hailed as the future of Big Data. It’s the tool of choice all around the world whichallows data scientists, engineers and developers to acquire andprocess data for a number of use-cases likescalablemachine learning, stream processing and graph analytics to name a few. All of the leading organisations likeAmazon, Ebay, Yahoo among many others have embraced this technology to address their Big Data processing requirements. Additionally, Gartner has repeatedly highlighted Apache Spark as a leader in Data Science platforms. Certification programs ofHadoop vendors like Cloudera and Hortonworks, which have high esteem in current industry, have oriented their curriculum to focus heavily on ApacheSpark. Almost all of the jobs in Big Data and Machine Learning space demand proficiency in Apache Spark. This is what John Tripier, Alliances and Ecosystem Lead at Databricks has to say, The adoption of Apache Spark by businesses large and small is growing at an incredible rate across a wide range of industries, and the demand for developers with certified expertise is quickly following suit. All of these facts correlate to the notion that learning this amazing technology will give you a strong competitive edge in your career. Why this course?Firstly, this is the most comprehensive and in-depth course ever produced on Apache Spark. I’ve carefully and critically surveyed all of the resources out there and almost all of them fail to cover this technology in the depth that it trulydeserves. Some of them lack coverage of Apache Spark’s theoretical concepts like its architecture andhow it works in conjunction with Hadoop, some fall short in thoroughly describing how to use Apache Spark APIs optimally for complex big data problems, some ignore the hands-on aspects to demonstrate how to do Apache Spark programming to work on real-world use-casesand almost all of them don’t cover the best practices in industryand the mistakes that many professionals make in field. This course addresses all of the limitations that’s prevalent in the currently available courses. Apart from that, as I have attended trainings from leading Big Data vendors like Cloudera (for which they charge thousands of dollars), I’ve ensured that the course is aligned withthe educationalpatterns and best practices followed in those training to ensure that you get the best and most effective learning experience. Each section of the course covers concepts in extensive detail and from scratchso that you won’t find any challenges in learning evenif you are new to this domain. Also, each section will have an accompanying assignment section where we will work together on a number of real-world challenges and use-cases employing real-world data-sets. The data-sets themselves will also belong to different niches ranging from retail, web server logs, telecommunication and some of them will also be from Kaggle (world’s leading Data Science competition platform).The course leverages Scala instead of Python. Even though wherever possible, reference to Python development is also given but the course ismajorly based on Scala. The decision was made based on a number of rational factors. Scala is the de-facto language for development in Apache Spark. Apache Spark itself is developed in Scala and as a result all of the new features are initially made available in Scala and then in other languages like Python. Additionally, there is significant performance difference when it comes to using Apache Spark with Scala compared to Python. Scala itself is one of the most highest paid programming languages and you will be developing strong skill in that language along the way as well. The course also has a number of quizzes to further test your skills. For further support, you can always ask questions to which you will get prompt response. I will also be sharing best practices and tips on regular basis with my students. What you are g