Apache Kafka & Confluent Cloud Crash Course for Beginners

Apache Kafka & Confluent Cloud Crash Course for Beginners
19.99 USD
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Welcome to the Confluent Cloud Introductory Course. Confluent employs the use of Apache Kafka to stream events in real-time, which has become a necessity for the majority of Fortune 500 companies. Real-Time Event Streaming is the means through which many companies are making decisions at the right times and are avoiding significant financial losses. We cover the introductory part for each of them with fundamental concepts covered with use case examples. This course is designed for students who are at their initial stage in learning Cloud Computing and Event Streaming and is best suited for those who want to start their career in this area. This course focuses on what Confluent is and how it can be used to stream events and data in real time. It also includes Practical Hands-On Lab Exercises which cover a major part in Deploying and Orchestrating Applications. We use a combination of the CMD line /Terminal Interface and Programming to launch any Application of your choice as a Microservice Architecture. The Programming Part mainly includes writing shell Scripts and then using Command Line Commands to execute them and get the results we want. Even if you dont have any previous experience using any of these technologies, you will still be able to get 100% of the benefit from this course.