Animal Drawing - Draw and Sketch Animal with Pencil

Animal Drawing - Draw and Sketch Animal with Pencil
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Learning how to sketch animals is an integral part of painting. The sketch the animals ranges from wildlife scenes around the world to portraits of pets, which after mastering and gaining skills in their sketching, it is possible to combine these extraordinary creatures with elements of nature. This tutorial provides expert advices on how to successfully sketch animals for an aspiring student. The first point in the correct sketching of animals is to look at them well. In the sense that before drawing the sketch, the student must study the various photographs of the animal to know the dimensions and proportions of the animal’s body and head. The second thing that depends on the first is to understand the basic comparative anatomy, most animals, especially mammals, have the same “pieces” only of different sizes (this is also true for humans). Animals that belong to the same group or family usually have the same general body divisions, but the stretch and thickness of these divisions are different. For example, the body of a horse and a bear are both composed of three main parts: front, middle and end, but the dimensions of these parts are very different in these two animals, and therefore a lot of eye training is needed. Also, physical characteristics such as the shape of the animal’s head, body shape, tail length, size of legs and neck, etc. are known in studying and seeing the animal’s body well. The third point is that when you look closely at the animals, you will fully understand with which geometric shape each animal can be drawn on paper. At this point, you need to make the forms simpler. With this method, you can easily understand how to draw animals such as horses, dogs, bears and others. I will tell you this explanation with a simple example, suppose you want to draw the snout of an animal like a dog, you should know that such an organ can be drawn with the geometric shape of a triangle. Or different parts of the body can be represented by a circle or an oval. The fourth point in animal painting is to divide the body into parts. Most of the livestocks can be divided into six main areas: 1- head, 2- neck, 3- front legs and shoulders, 4- middle part of the body, 5- back legs and buttocks and 6- tail. This may sound like a simple observation, but once you break the animal in this way, you can overlap those areas in space from any direction. The fifth point is to create a primary sketch somewhat according to the above points and without details. Let your hand go free and use simple lines and geometric shapes to draw on the animal’s primary sketch. In the next steps, add details to the sketch and correct the curves and details. The sixth point is that when you have several subjects in the image, use the overlap of shapes in space to create depth, observing this point is effective in creating distance and proximity of subjects. Proper overlap of shapes will give your paintings a sense of believability and life. The seventh point is to be careful of light and shadow, the correct use of light and shades in your image can help strengthen the sense of effect. What you will learn in this course are: 1 Principles of sketching animals’ bodies In this video, we will get acquainted with the general principles of animal body division in a simple way and explain the principles in the form of sketching a horse’s body. The bodies of animals can generally be drawn in three circles, the full description of which is given in the video.2 Principles of sketching the body of animals from the angle of three faces - bear and deer In the continuation of the previous tutorial, we practiced how to draw the animals’ bodies from the side angle. In this video, we learn the principles of drawing and dividing the animals’ bodies from 3faces angle, and by sketching a bear and a deer, we practice the animals’ body design. 3- Principles of sketching animals’ heads - horses In this tutorial, we will get acquainted with the general division of animal heads from the horse family, and we will learn that animal heads can be divided into three parts in design, the jaw, the middle part, and the main part where the eyes are located. The principles of placing the ears relative to each other on the animals’ heads are also taught. In this video, the training is explained by creating the horse’s head. 4- sketching and shading the three faces of the horse In this video, in addition to learning how to design a horse’s head from the angle of three faces, we get acquainted with how to shade and volume it. 5- Deer head sketch In this video, you will learn how to sketch the head of animals such as deer from the angle of three faces using cubes, and after sketching in a pleasant way, you will also get acquainted with shading and volume of the head. 6- How to place the legs of animals Most of the time, when students start to draw animals, they move the legs of the animals parallel to each other and do not understand why the drawing is so unattractive. In this video, I will explain how the legs of the animals should be in the