This course was crafted to benefit absolutely any level of developer. We will start from scratch and learn how to create a development environment for Angular 5+, Setup Angular CLI and learn all of the fundamentals. We start by building a sandbox application to look at all of the main Angular concepts as well as building a logging application, then move to a much more advanced client management system with authentication and data storing withFirebase’s newFirestore platform. Here are some of the things you will learn about in this course: What is Angular?Dev Environment Setup Including Node. js, Visual Studio Code & Git BashAngular CLI Setup & BuildFile Structure & DependencyExaminationTypeScript IntroComponentsModules & NgModuleData Binding & String InterpolationTypes & InterfacesTemplate SyntaxngIf & ngFor Conditional DirectivesngFor & LoopsProperty Binding, ngClass & ngStylePipesEvents & FormsngModel & 2 Way BindingServicesObservables & HttpAngular RouterFirebase, Firestore & AngularFire2Flash MessagingMuch More!