In this course we will learn how to create a new android studio project, create a SQLite database and generate 1000’s of records using Excel to simulate the app, and then we will insert all generated records into our app’s database. The database is about a school * we have levels: Elementary School, Middle School, High school, University * we have grades: First grade, Second grade, Third grade, Fourth grade, Fifth grade, Sixth grade, Seventh grade, Eighth grade, Ninth grade, Tenth grade, Eleventh grade, Twelfth grade, Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior. * we have subjects: English, Math, Sciences, Physics * we have 600 students *we have 2400 testsWe are going to:1. Create the android project2. Create the activities o menu activity ( java & XML ) o levels activity ( java & XML ) o grades activity ( java & XML ) o subjects activity ( java & XML ) o students activity ( java & XML ) o tests activity ( java & XML ) o test’s result activity ( java & XML ) o insert activity ( java & XML ), to insert the generated records o design of result ( XML )3. Create the database using SQLite o Tables ( levels, grades, subjects, students, tests) o View4. Generate 1000s of records in excel to simulate the app5. Insert the generated records into SQLite browser6. Insert the generated records into apps database7. Request a permission to access the device storage8. Download the tests results to device storage as CSV files