Android development tutorial for Beginners

Android development tutorial for Beginners
119.99 USD
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Last updated on April 1st,2016 5000 students are taking this course Are you looking have a career in Android Development? Maybe you have a lot of app ideas but don’t know how to start with those? Or you are seeking a career in Android Development and Java Programming that will finally land you in a great opportunity and also you can start a business of building Apps on the side Build a strong foundation in Android Development, Android Studio and object-oriented Java Programming with this tutorial and complete course. Build Android apps from scratch using Android Studio and Java ProgrammingUpload your apps to Google Play Store and reach Millions of Android usersContent and Overview This course will take you from knowing nothing about programming to a complete Android developer in 6 weeks. You will learn the following: Section 1: Building LayoutsIn this lesson you’ll learn about various Views and ViewGroups used to make layouts for your Android apps. Topics include: Writing XMLTextViews and ImageViewsStyling your viewsPositioning your views with ViewGroupsLinearLayout weightUsing RelativeLayout to position views relative to each otherSection 2: Making an App InteractiveIn this lesson you’ll start learning Java by creating the JustJava coffee ordering app: Topics include: Making a button click execute codeHaving the app evaluate math expressionsDeclaring, initializing and using variablesVariable scopeNested layoutsThe String datatypeCombining Strings, ints and variables with concatenationSection 3: Work with the Android Framework and Control FlowMethod declaration and callingParameters and return valuesAn introduction to Object Oriented ProgrammingChanging the attributes of your views dynamicallyCreating conditional logic using if/else statementsWHY ANDROID DEVELOPMENT IS FUTURE?Android is known to be one of the most versatile and most used operating system in smart phones. We are in the age where every other person uses a hand held device or a cellphone which makes use of Android. If one goes deep into the world of android, we would see that there is a lot of scope and a lot of potential in the world of android for individuals who are tech geeks (like me)! As vast this world this, learning about it as simple and as easy as a piece of cake. You can make your own app easily and show your true potential to the world of google and android. Here are some figures to look at! DID YOU KNOW?Android is the primary operating system for over 90 tablets, for 6 E-Readers and 300 smartphones. There are over 1,460,800 apps in Google Play store & theyre growing at an huge pace! Everyday about 1.5 million Android devices are activated all around the world. Why learning android development is important?Learning android development is both fun and can reap you many profits in the long run. It is safe to say that android development has a lot of potential and can reap you various benefits in the long run. If one knows android development, not only will you be having a stable and sound career but can unleash you hidden talents as a developer. Course Overviewif you take this course (which you should!) know that you are on your way to build a solid and stable foundation of Android Development, Android Studio and object-oriented Java Programming. You dont need to spend years and years on learning, with me you can learn in 6 weeks! YES! That is right, in six weeks youll be able to make and develop your own app and you never know, you could have it running at the app store and be an instant hit!I have designed this course assuming your goal is to become an Android developer and you don’t have any background in programming before. This course is completely hands On and you will be making your first APP from the second lecture. I will also share with you the developer forums and the resources that you can use if you face any challenges while building your apps. Once you buy this course, you have LIFE TIME ACCESS to it. You can always refer back to any section that you want to revise and move along. Every section of ours has been built to test your ability. You not only get the content but also are given quizzes and assignments to ensure that what you have learnt is retained and you fully understand the content. (Dont worry, we wont scold you if you have some problem, we will be throughout). We assure you, with us youll be an android developer in no time! NO NEED TO BE A PRO! Our course is designed specifically for people who have ZERO prior experience in programming and have never even programmed a single thing before. It doesnt matter if you have absolutely no idea about the basics (that is why we are here!), we will teach you everything that you need to know about developing and programming in just 6 weeks. All you need is loads of passion, a hint of dedication, an internet connection and a laptop or PC. Its that easy! Why take this course?Obviously once youve made up your mind to become an expert developer, you will question the fact that why should you choose me? The answer is because I am passionate abo