Hello everyone, Welcome to the beginners course of Android, This course will teach you how to create Android application in a very practical & simple manner.I am available 24 X 7 for supporting my Students through zoom, skype, Whatsapp etc. whatever plateform they want to connect for help. But Message me here wherever you stuck. Here we will also discuss about how to Submit your apps to Google Play and generate revenue with Google Pay and Google AdsBecome a professional app developer, take freelance gigs and work from anywhere in the world. After learning basics we will start working on a Hotel Room booking App in android and you will understand how to start working on an application from starting to end. Steps to complete Hotel Room Booking App1. In hotel room booking app we will start from User interface which we are creating in XML.2. Then we will Create Database3. Create Apis and we will use PHP as a backend4. Connect App to Database Through Apis.5. Api integration and Send Room Booking information to database. The Complete Source Code is provided with last lecture in Course including APIs. Topics we will Cover What is Android History and Version Installing softwares Setup Android Studio Hello Android example Menifest fileGradlecolors. xmlstring. xmlstyle. xml Android Emulator AndroidManifest. xmlLayout ManagerHello world ExampleDescription of App structureRelative LayoutLinear LayoutIntroduction to widgets like TextView, Buttons, EditText. Introduction to java classWidgets: ButtonEdittextTextViewCheckBoxRadio ButtonsImageViewId for a widgetsJava Class WidgetsfindViewById MethodOnCreate() MethodWorking with click listenersToastFunctionality of widgets programmatically: VisibilityColour change programmaticallyBackground colour or image change programmaticallyAdd two numbersInputTypeImplicit IntentExplicit IntentProgress DialogAlert DialogBasics about listviewRecyclerViewArray AdaptorArrayList AdaptorBase AdaptorScrollViewNavigation DrawerCreate New Activity: Create new ActivityIntent From one activity to anotherData typeStringIntFloatBooleanPrint String in a TextViewJava Logics: Screen OrientationWhat are Logics on java classAdd two numberif conditionfor loopa simple calculator appArrayArrayListString arraySpinner demoAdd items on spinner dynamicallyCreate Small small appsAdd items on spinner programaticallyApp for Table of 2 using loopsAdd an image on imageView on click of buttonAdd two numbersLogin Screen intent the Credentials to next activity. Internal Database in AndroidShared PreferenceSQLite with listviewIntentsClick image from cameraGet image from GalleryGoogle MapGet current location on mapGet latitude Longitude and addressDatabase, APIs and API integrationRest ApisMySQL DatabaseMySQL QueriesPHP ApisAPI IntroductionRetrofitJSON Parsing