AMAZING Change Management Plan

AMAZING Change Management Plan
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Starting a change effortcan be really tough. Implementing the change can be even tougher. Sometimes you need a little help.A well thought through Change Plan can help you fully understand your change, decide on the best approach for your change and help you identify the right people to manage your change. Terrapin Agradas AMAZINGChange Management Plan video series willhelp you to build your own Change Plan. Download and use theChange Plan template provided to createyour Change Plan that addresses your situation, your circumstances, the type of change you are implementing and the types of resources available to you to implement it. Then watch the videos covering change management basics andpopular change models and theories. From there, add to / amend / build on your Change Plan, with your new information and new insights. Armed with the latest research, your Change Plan will help guide you through the pitfalls of change management with ease. THREEAIMSFOR THISCOURSE:1.The number one goal of this course is to help you create an AMAZINGChange Plan for an existing or upcoming organisational change you are involved with (large or small)2.Each lecture introduces a new change management theory that will help you complete, add to, edit, oramend your Change Plan, so that it is tailored to your circumstances3. Help you relate to changes going on in your organisation (either withyou leading the change or whenthe change isbeing done to you)by providing opportunities for you to reflect on yourexperiencesin light of the different change managementtheories and models. Note: All resources are on the right hand menu next to each lecture title.