Alexander Technique: A practical introduction

Alexander Technique: A practical introduction
39.99 GBP
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In this practical introduction to the Alexander Technique, you will discover why the technique has been so popular with those wishing to improve their health, posture, movements and performance for over 120 years! You will learn how to pay better attention to yourself and break the unconscious movement and posture habits that are causing discomfort and pain in all our lives. You will be guided through a range of lessons designed to teach you to apply the Alexander Technique in a light hearted but effective way. There’s not a ton of theory or jargon, no strenuous exercises and the course can be completed by people of any age. The Alexander Technique is clinically proven to help with back pain and neck pain and those that use it find it can help with a vast range of issues such as: Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)Back PainSciaticaKnee issues (Arthritis etc.)Hip and Pelvic problemsForward head postureStressBreathing problemsPeople also use the technique to improve many activities: Musical performancePublic speakingSingingSports and exerciseWalking/Hiking/ClimbingCyclingThose that learn the technique also report improvements such as: Better balanceLess aches and painsLess prone to injuryBetter walking More calmness More energy Overall, learning the Alexander Technique is a positive, optimistic thing to do and I really hope that you discover some of the many benefits for yourself! This course will give you a practical introduction to the Alexander Technique and also give you advice on how to keep learning at the end of the course. Alexander Technique is most often taught in lessons including hands-on contact from a teacher to help you learn. This course can be used alongside of a series of lessons or as a stand-alone introduction. The course includes some guided movements including some which may challenge your balance. Please work within your own limitations and consult a medical professional before you attempt any activity that you may find challenging.