Advance Sugar Display by World Pastry Champion

Advance Sugar Display by World Pastry Champion
49.99 USD
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Making a Sugar display or may be any display is not an easy thingReason being simple that before making a display you have to come up with a design. A design which is based on a theme, have all the components who want to add in order to hi light the theme. Second is the balance which could be balance of design, balance of the structure to stand, balance of the colours and lastly balance of the components. If you dont have this balance then for sure the display will not look good. One always have to understand that display showcase a little smile of people face who admise the creativity of the chef. in case the display is not good or not balance, offcourse the eye appeal will not be there. Sugar display specially need the understanding on the boiling of sugar, how to clean the sugar and how the colour and pulling of sugar work. The sugar is very hot and have to be done in a very professional and careful manner. This topic need a continous practise in order to get a good resultChef Loi Ming Ai, World Pastry Champion in this workshop teaches you a great world class Sugar display which have different small to big components. He will be teaching you how to make boil sugat, colour the sugar, pull the sugar, blow the sugar, making blown sugar, ribbon flower and casting of base to support. You will also learn how to make pastillage dough, cout outs and dry it.