In this very first course thought for beginners we will teach you the hiest valueble knowledge about 3D development. To take this course is not needed count on previous knowledge. We provide everything the student need in this course. Since how to install Visual Studio Code, until deploy our peoject in a local environment. We also provide the explanation code in order to allow you copy and paste it into your own project or analize it deeply. There are many three. js courses out there that you can find in youtube. Most of then are boring, outdated or explain without a path learning, providing topics randomly. But the way we teach here is the best, because we use Ecmascript6, JavaScript Classes, and Step by Step learning, based on a learning path. We provide external documentation directly related with the topic we develop such as world class professional teachers like Brad Traversy from Traversy Media and Mosh Hamedani from Programming with Mosh youtube channel. We are based on the official documentation of the library. And we believe that the learning process is not such linear as in the traditional education institutions. There are many resources and ways to learn. As in the university we complement our course with external reference to complement our content. We count with more than 12 years experience, and we are teachers with university background.