One of the useful and handy skills a novice SQL programmer and SQL Server administrator should have is the ability to write and execute sored procedures. SQL stored procedures helps a programmer maintain consistent implementation of procedures across applications. Stored procedures contain code that represents commonly performed tasks that are designed and then coded and stored in a procedure that can be used to perform the task over and over again. This course teaches the beginner SQL programmer or administrator how to create basic SQL queries and write and compile other code statements that allow for the development and administration of SQL Servers. CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete)forms the cornerstone of all relational database operations. In this course we will create stored procedures for each of these four database operations. Topics we will cover include: Naming convention for creating stored procedure Creating stored procedures using T-SQL Creating a CREATE stored procedureCreating a READ stored procedureCreating a UPDATE stored procedure Creating a DELETE stored procedureUpdating schema after stored procedureCreating stored procedure using Visual studioBefore you can create a stored procedure on a SQL Server database you will need to belong to the administrator groups that has the sys admin role or you can grant specific user account or groups the CREATE PROCEDURE permission in the database and ALTER permission on the schema in which the procedure is being created. Stored procedures can be created using either SQL Server Management Studio or Transact-SQL (T-SQL)