30X Business: Learn How To Start And Grow Your Own Business!

30X Business: Learn How To Start And Grow Your Own Business!
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Over 30 days and 15+ hours, this training will take you through the exact hard-won business principles that Brad Sugars has personally developed over the past 30 years as an entrepreneur, investor, and business advisor. The 30 videos in this program represent the most potent entrepreneurial advice Brad can possibly give. The Core Ten Skills You’ll Learn Inside the Program That Will Guide You Through Your Entrepreneurial Journey for Years to Come: SKILL 1Wealth CreationDay 1-2Building wealth is more than just making money. Most first-time entrepreneurs fall into this trap and emerge from years of hard work without anything to show for it. SKILL 2Business MasteryDay 3-6There are four elements of business mastery: Direction, Time, Money, and Delivery. Get control of these four categories and you’ll be well-prepared for life as an entrepreneur. SKILL 3Niching DownDay 7-9Picking a niche is almost as difficult as sticking with one. The pressure will always be there to be everything to everyone. Learning to resist that pressure and double down on a single market. SKILL 4Lead GenerationDay 10-13A steady stream of qualified leads will pave a smooth road to business growth - but finding where that stream lies is a harder task. Mastering lead generation is a critical skill to starting - and growing - a good business. SKILL 5Sales SystemsDay 14-17Getting people into the door isn’t everything - you have to sell yourself after they have started to pay attention. This is one of the most avoided, yet also one of the most powerful, entrepreneurial skills out there. SKILL 6Customer CareDay 18-20No matter what type of business you’re in, the customer always comes first. Establishing the proper relationships, and caring for those relationships over time, will make all the difference in the long run. SKILL 7Profit MarginsDay 21When you have good margins in your business, the sky is the limit. But when you have bad margins, it doesn’t matter how hard you work to get more sales. Knowing how to control your margins (and thus your profitability) is key. SKILL 8Creating SystemsDay 22-23Without standard operating procedures in place within your business, you can’t control the quality or consistency of outcomes. To run a great business, you need to understand how solid systems are created. SKILL 9Growing A TeamDay 24-25You’ve heard the saying, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” This is as true as it’s ever been. Having a talented, motivated team is central to growing a successful business. SKILL 10Thinking BiggerDay 26-30As the founder of your business, you are in the position to make long-term decisions. This requires forethought and an awareness of what’s coming around the next corner.