100 Days of JavaScript

100 Days of JavaScript
129.99 USD
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Welcome to 100 Days Of JavaScript, a project-based JavaScript course. Learning the fundamentals of JavaScript is one thing, but applying the knowledge to build functional web apps can sometimes be difficult especially for beginners.I created this course to help beginners and intermediate-level JavaScript developers gain clarity and build confidence BY building amazing projects with JavaScript. At the end of the course, we are going to build what I call a “PSEUDO JAVASCRIPT AI” which is a very exciting project. All the projects we build are very well explained. Many of the projects we build are components found on modern websites and web apps. Course RequirementThis course is not for an absolute JavaScript beginner. To take this course you need to know the fundamentals of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Here is a list of projects we build in the courseCounter AppRandom Hex Color GeneratorRandom Number GeneratorModal/PopupPalindrome CheckerVowel Counter AppClick to CopyGoogle Drive Download Link GeneratorWeather AppInput Field Character CounterLyrics Search AppInternet Connection Status DetectorQuiz AppAPI ProjectHTTP Request ProjectRandom Quote GeneratorList Search ProjectDate CountdownTime CountdownTip CalculatorSmooth Scroll EffectSticky Nav Bar on ScrollActive Menu SwitcherScroll To TopResponsive Mobile Menu - part 1 & 2Responsive Mobile Menu with SubmenuPage Scroll IndicatorNewsletter Form on ScrollPage Animation With AOS LibraryPassword GeneratorLocal StorageSimple ToDo AppTodo App with Local StorageNotes AppBMI CalculatorCalculatorDigital ClockWeight ConverterTemperature ConverterRunning GameWord Count ToolAccordionAsync Await - Random Joke GeneratorModules, Imports and ExportsGitHub Profile Search AppWikipedia Search AppImage SliderJavaScript Array MethodsData Attribute and JSProduct FilterProduct Carousel SliderVertical TabsCount Up AppDigital PianoForm ValidationPassword Visibility TogglePassword Strength IndicatorAnimated Login UIAnimated Search BarUdemy User Avatar MenuCurrency ConverterMovie Listing AppFloating Action ButtonDark and Light Mode TogglerWeb Speech API - Speech To Text AppWeb Speech API - Speech To Text App - With Voice CommandSpeech Synthesis - Text To Speech AppType Writing Effect ProjectCustom Progress BarCustom Alert & Toast Notification (ES6 Classes)Custom Alert & Toast Notification With Progress BarCustom Confirm Dialog Box (ES6 Classes)Custom Range SliderModal With Countdown EventWebsite PreloaderTestimonial SliderTweet Character CountClick to TweetEmbed Twitter TimelineRecipe AppProduct Gallery With ThumbnailImage Gallery FilterCard Payment UI/UXExact Age CalculatorMultistep FormPricing SectionStop WatchAnimated Vertical Timeline ProjectMusic Player AppPseudo AI Project - Anita